Fading & Removal
Although tattoos and permanent cosmetics can last a lifetime, your body’s immune system immediately works to remove your tattoo the moment ink is inserted into your skin. This innate immune process combined with exposure to the elements will naturally fade a tattoo and cause it to lose colour over time.
We offer primarily laser tattoo removal services, but as a compliment, we utilize saline removal techniques for some permanent cosmetic pigments.
Inks and pigments are inserted at strategic depths in the skin to achieve their permanent design. When applied, ink and pigment particles are inserted beneath the epidermis of the skin within the dermis, your skin’s deepest layer. Your body’s immune system cannot clear out ink particles as they are too large for the lymphatic system to absorb and flush away. Instead, bacteria-eating cells continuously scrape away tiny fragments of ink over a lifetime, causing your tattoo to fade ever so slowly but also allowing the ink to stay permanently trapped in your skin.

Contrary to popular belief, laser tattoo removal is used more as a reparative tool than just an eraser. Tattoo artists around the world are directing their cover-up clients to laser tattoo removal clinics before applying a cover-up. In most cases, cover-ups are often limited to dark, black ink and large, dense pieces in order to completely cover an existing piece. This can be disappointing for the tattoo wearer because they’re not able to get the artwork they truly desire and are limited to the colours they can incorporate.
Laser tattoo removal fades an existing unwanted tattoo and creates a cleaner canvas for tattoo artists to work on. Not only does this allow more creativity with a cover-up, it also gives your tattoo artist more flexibility to incorporate different elements, colours, and dimensions to your as opposed to a large, black square.
Fading is often recommended before a cover-up to provide the best possible canvas for a new tattoo. Fading usually requires 3-4 treatments.
Sometimes a tattoo just has to go. If you are ready to move on from your artwork, our machines are equipped for complete tattoo removal while optimizing your comfort. Removals usually require 5-8 treatments.
At Blackbird Studio Sudbury, we use top of the line equipment that breaks down even the toughest tattoos. Our Q-switched Duality TruePower design allows for maximum transference of energy, allowing us to reach exceptional levels of power for efficient ink removal. This means effective results beyond the first few treatments to offer complete removal of stubborn ink later in the removal process.
Artwork doesn’t always have to be covered up or removed completely to fall back in love with it. Removal doesn’t have to be uniform fading across the entire tattoo. We can focus on removing ink pigment by element, location or colour. Parts of tattoos can be removed with a precision down to 5mm.
How it Works
Laser tattoo removal acts as an aid to your immune system by shattering the large ink particles into smaller nanoparticles that are easier for your body to flush away. Our Duality laser uses the process of photoselective thermolysis to break up the large ink particles in the skin’s dermis. Each laser pulse sends a targeted wavelength of light to a selected colour of ink, heating the particles and shattering them into significantly smaller particles without damaging surrounding tissue. The smaller particles can then be flushed out naturally through the lymphatic system, speeding up the natural fading process.
Effectively fading and removing tattoos requires an understanding of tattoo application. Types of needles (shaders or liners) used will determine the depth and density of ink particles, the direction of needle penetration (cross-hatching, circular) will determine how the ink is layered, and types of ink will determine the pigment colour for the appropriate wavelength. Factors such as colour saturation, skin type, location of tattoo and age of tattoo all play a role in determining the number of treatments your unique tattoo will need to achieve your desired results.
Light and energy of particular depths and temperatures also stimulate collagen. As a result, laser tattoo removal can assist in scar reduction of raised tattoos.
Pigments are a foreign substance in that the body is constantly trying to eliminate. When pigments are implanted, the macrophages will absorb the pigments. The body will try to remove them from the lymphatic system, but pigment molecules are large, so the pigments absorbed by the macrophages will remain in the dermis.
Removal solutions and saline use a solution to draw tattoo ink or pigment out of the skin by puncturing the skin and depositing a liquid using osmosis to draw it out. It can be used to lighten or fully remove tattoos, although it is not the most efficient method of removal.
Through osmosis, saline removal persuades the cells to release the ink or pigment using the principle of equalization. The semipermeable membrane that has a more highly concentrated solution on one side, tends to move water across the membrane toward that concentrated solution in an attempt to create equal conditions on each side. When saline is injected into the skin, water is pulled up from the cells of the dermis, and some of the pigment comes along for the ride. A scab forms on the open wound created by the saline injection, and the pigment becomes part of the scab. New cell growth begins below, and the scab eventually falls off.
Other than creating a temporary wound, the process has no harmful effects on the body. It affects only the specific area treated, unless severe infection occurs. Proper aftercare is essential to prevent that from happening.
This process is often repeated multiple times to achieve the desired results, while allowing time for the skin to heal in between.