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Can you fade my tattoo for a coverup?<\/h2>\n

Blackout Tattoo Removal specializes in fading tattoos for a cover-up. Cover-ups are much easier to apply after the existing tattoo has been faded. Laser tattoo removal creates a cleaner canvas for tattoo artists to apply a cover-up and also gives you more creativity with your cover-up piece. In addition to fading, Blackout can completely remove your tattoo or selectively remove a part of your tattoo (i.e. a name) without damaging the surrounding ink.<\/p>\n

How much does laser tattoo removal cost?<\/h2>\n

Laser tattoo removal pricing is based on size. The most common size we see is between 3\u201dx3\u201d and 4\u201dx4\u201d which is priced between $200-$250\/session.<\/p>\n

How long will it take to remove my tattoo?<\/h2>\n

It is impossible to say exactly how long it will take to remove a tattoo. Variables include location on body, application of ink, layering of ink (already a cover-up), skin type, overall health, ink colours, and pre-existing scarring.<\/p>\n

Full removal can take anywhere from 5-10+ sessions.<\/p>\n

Sessions are spaced a minimum of 6 weeks apart and are spread further apart the more sessions you have. Although your skin may appear healed on the surface within a week, your body is still processing the shattered particles in the background and can continue to do so long after your last session.<\/p>\n

Does tattoo removal hurt?<\/h2>\n

Laser tattoo removal typically does involve some level of pain. The sensation of removal is comparable to having a tattoo applied. Common descriptions include the sensation of a rubber band snapping against the skin or bacon grease \u2013 basically, it\u2019s uncomfortable but bearable.<\/p>\n

It hurts, but it\u2019s bearable.<\/p>\n

We utilize the Zimmer Cryo 6 cooling equipment to effectively numb your skin and provide maximum comfort before, during, and after each treatment. This device helps mitigate any pain and discomfort and also reduces the risk of thermal injury.<\/p>\n

Topical anesthetics can also assist in pain reduction. A 5% lidocaine ointment will not interfere with the tattoo removal process.<\/p>\n

Is laser tattoo removal dangerous? Are there any side effects?<\/h2>\n

Laser tattoo removal is the safest method for removing tattoos. Our equipment is FDA-approved and is trusted by leading laser tattoo removal practitioners worldwide. Our laser technicians are expertly trained by the world\u2019s leading laser tattoo removal training programs and use custom protocols for your unique tattoo and skin type to ensure each patient receives the best skin care and optimal results.<\/p>\n

After your treatment, you may experience temporary redness, itchiness, swelling, blistering, scabbing, and\/or pigmentation changes. All of these side effects are indications that your immune system is removing the shattered ink and will heal over the weeks following each treatment. All of these side effects are temporary. Redness, tenderness, and swelling typically subside within a day or two following treatment. Blisters usually appear within 24 hours of treatment; sometimes the blisters are very large and may look alarming \u2013 this is completely normal. Scabs, bruising, and blistering may take up to a week or longer to heal.<\/p>\n

Scarring as a result of laser tattoo removal is highly unusual.<\/p>\n

If the tattoo already features scarring, expect that to remain once the ink has been removed.<\/p>\n

Improper aftercare with scabs and blisters can also result in scarring. Please follow the aftercare instructions given.<\/p>\n

How does laser tattoo removal work?<\/h2>\n

Each pulse of the laser sends light energy into your skin. We use different wavelengths of laser light to treat different colors of ink in your tattoo. As the light energy is directed into your skin, it is selectively absorbed by the tattoo ink particles trapped in the dermis of your skin. When the ink particles absorb this energy, they instantly shatter into tiny fragments. Once the laser has broken the ink into smaller pieces, your body\u2019s immune system works to remove the ink over the following weeks, flushing it away from the tattooed area. We see the result of this as the tattoo lightening in appearance. Each additional laser treatment breaks down more and more ink until the tattoo can no longer be seen.<\/p>\n

Although tattoos are permanent, your body\u2019s immune system immediately works to remove your tattoo the moment ink is inserted into your skin. This innate immune process is why tattoos naturally fade and lose colour over time.<\/p>\n

However, a tattoo is inserted very strategically in order to achieve its permanent design. When a tattoo is applied, ink particles are inserted beneath the epidermis of the skin within the dermis, your skin’s deepest layer. Your body\u2019s immune system cannot clear out ink particles as they are too large for the lymphatic system to absorb and flush away. Instead, bacteria-eating cells continuously scrape away tiny fragments of ink over a lifetime, causing your tattoo to fade ever so slowly but also allowing the ink to stay permanently trapped in your skin.<\/p>\n

Laser tattoo removal acts as an aid to your immune system by shattering the large ink particles into smaller nanoparticles that are easier for your body to flush away. Our Duality laser uses photoselective thermolysis to break up the large ink particles in your skin\u2019s dermis. Each pulse of the laser sends a targeted wavelength of light to a selected colour of ink, heating the particles and shattering them into significantly smaller nanoparticles without affecting or damaging surrounding tissue. The nanoparticles can then be flushed out naturally through the lymphatic system, speeding up the natural fading process.<\/p>\n

Effectively fading and removing tattoos requires an understanding of tattoo application. Types of needles (shaders or liners) used will determine the depth and density of ink particles, the direction of needle penetration (cross-hatching, circular) will determine how the ink is layered, and types of ink will determine the pigment colour for the appropriate wavelength. All of these factors play a role in determining the number of treatments your unique tattoo will need to achieve your desired results (fading for a cover-up or complete laser tattoo removal).<\/p>\n

What Type of Equipment do you use?<\/h2>\n

We use a Duality Q-switched laser and Zimmer Cryo6.<\/p>\n

For our business, we chose the Astanza Duality Q-switched laser. This laser is known for high performance, reliability and results. Choosing equipment best suited to our local area and our clients was a long process with a great deal of preliminary research.<\/p>\n

Blackbird Studio Sudbury provides services for people with tattoos. The most important factor in researching laser tattoo removal services is finding a certified laser operator who understands tattoos and their application. We understand tattoo application and that you may not necessarily dislike your other tattoos\u2026 you may already be planning your next one. The person you were when you received your tattoo is most likely a little bit different than the person you are now.<\/p>\n

Do you offer laser hair removal? Will your equipment damage hair growth?<\/h2>\n

We do not offer laser hair removal. Hair removal requires a pulsed laser while tattoo ink requires a Q-switched laser. The difference is the laser emission pulse length. Pulsed lasers emit power over time (thousandths of a second), but have a lower peak power while Q-switched lasers emit a very high peak power in a much shorter amount of time (billionths of a second). The key to shattering tattoo ink particles without harming surrounding tissue is the speed at which the particle is heated. Using a pulsed laser on a tattoo can result in the particles attracting large amounts of heat at a slow rate not causing it to shatter but to heat enough to burn surrounding tissue.<\/p>\n

What should I do BEFORE a laser tattoo removal treatment?<\/h2>\n

Have a full night’s sleep and drink plenty of water. Arriving well rested and well hydrated (as you would prepare for a tattoo) is the best way to walk into a laser tattoo removal appointment. Taking care of your body through exercise and good eating habits sets you up for optimum healing and results.<\/p>\n
